Our Mission to Create Adventure

Adeventure is a part of everything we do here at the Globe-City Resort Highland. Our commitment is to provide an inclusive environment where everyone, regardless of age, can ignite their sense of wonder and push their boundaries. From the laughter of children to the thrill-seeking young adults, our resort is designed to cater to the shared desire for excitement, magic, and unforgettable memories.

Designed to Wow!

At our ultra-themed Adventure Park, we believe that every age group deserves its own brand of adventure. Our carefully crafted attractions offer something for everyone – from heart-pounding roller coasters that challenge even the boldest of spirits, to interactive family-friendly rides that create bonds through shared joy. Our immersive environments, themed to perfection, transport you to exotic worlds and magical realms and push the boundaries of reality, ensuring that your visit is nothing short of enchanting.

Dazzling Lights and Wonderful Sights

Beyond the bustle of Adventure Park lies 3-blocks of dazzling LED lights and exciting shopping and dining. City-Shop is the perfect getaway with hours of entertaining browzing and fulfiling eateries.

Explore City-Shop

Built on Sustainability

As a responsible steward of the environment, Globe-City Parks and Resorts is committed to sustainability. We employ eco-friendly practices to minimize our ecological footprint and promote awareness of the natural world. Our landscaping is maintained using 100% recycled water and we support many compost initiatives. The Globe-City Resort also recycles over 100 thousand tons of plastic and aluminim every year.

Safety In the Front Seat

Safety is paramount at all of our resorts. Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with the latest technology to ensure that every ride is not only exhilarating but also secure. Our dedicated staff undergo rigorous training to guarantee your well-being and enjoyment throughout your visit and a vast network of security personel are here to protect you.

"The Globe-City Resort Highland is more than a themed resort; it's a place where bonds are strengthened, imaginations are ignited, and a spirit of adventure lives on. Join us on this remarkable journey where all ages can rediscover the joy of exploration and embark on shared escapades that will be cherished for a lifetime. Adventure awaits – let's discover it together!"

Reuven Reyman, Founder CEO, Globe-City Parks and Resorts LLC.